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SPAC Ready

We conceive, structure and finance ready to IPO themed SPACs. Thereby offering our clients off-the-shelf turnkey solutions that accelerate their route to markets.

SPAC Structure

We prepare ready made themed SPACs. These SPACs are incorporated and their activities are broadly described through a functional website. Only the Securities & Exchange filings and the basic funding still need to be done before these SPACs are taken on an IPO roadshow and fundraising program.

SPAC Concept

We elaborate themed SPAC concepts. We prepare the basic description and establish the websites. The incorporation, Securities & Exchange filings and the necessary funding still need to be done in order to take the SPAC on an IPO roadshow and fundraising.


Deriving from the word Finance, the definition of the word Financing is therefore the Act of finding solutions to carry out. By extension, the most common solution being money, it represents the Act of Provision of a Capital. Funding is mostly gathered with Investors by a Financial or a Trader in securities on behalf of … Read more

Standard Documentation of a Securities Issuer

After describing the Financing principle in a previous article, it is now time to describe the Standard Documentation of a Securities Issuer but I feel obliged to repeat the Disclosure Principle and the Disclosure Document. Disclosure Who wants a Capital must provide to any Prospect without it requiring it. Any material information of such a … Read more