我们为 IPO 主题 SPAC 构思、构建和融资做好准备。从而为我们的客户提供现成的交钥匙解决方案,加速他们的市场之路。


我们准备现成的主题SPAC。这些 SPAC 已合并,并通过功能性网站广泛描述其活动。在这些 SPAC 进行 IPO 路演和筹款计划之前,只需要完成证券交易备案和基本融资工作。


我们阐述主题 SPAC 概念。我们准备基本描述并建立网站。为了让 SPAC 进行 IPO 路演和融资,仍需要完成公司注册、证券交易备案和必要的融资工作。


Deriving from the word Finance, the definition of the word Financing is therefore the Act of finding solutions to carry out. By extension, the most common solution being money, it represents the Act of Provision of a Capital. Funding is mostly gathered with Investors by a Financial or a Trader in securities on behalf of … 阅读更多


After describing the Financing principle in a previous article, it is now time to describe the Standard Documentation of a Securities Issuer but I feel obliged to repeat the Disclosure Principle and the Disclosure Document. Disclosure Who wants a Capital must provide to any Prospect without it requiring it. Any material information of such a … 阅读更多