
Special Purpose Acquisition Company Issuance (the IPO of SPACs) Similarly to our IPO model, our involvement is deep, consistent, end-to-end and aligned through equity participation, requiring only a measured upfront payment of US$5 to US$10m (varies as it depends if the SPAC requires one or two cornerstone sponsors). We are also often instrumental in assembling the right management team, which is a key element to a SPAC’s potential success. We equally are often called upon to offer a good SPAC theme as the success of a future SPAC is also determined by the marketability of the chosen investment focus. For this reason Swiss Financiers Inc. has prepared over 60 Turnkey … 続きを読む


Financing IPO

IPO Transaction Funding Investment IPO Transaction Funding Investment is one of the key building blocks of Swiss Financiers Inc. In the event that an IPO or SPAC issuer is unable to fund the initial upfront payment for our out-of-pocket expense, Swiss Financiers Inc. can introduce suitable parties to cover these incompressible costs versus a healthy return. This unique approach of what we call Transaction Funding provides the funder with a generous, short-term return on a relatively low risk capital deployment. Below are the solutions to help finance the upfront expenses to go public either through debt and/or equity capital Play Play Learn more about us about Discover our team Team


Dourgam Kummer

パートナー – 財務担当者兼 CFO

– ストラクチャードファイナンス、トレードファイナンス、プロジェクトファイナンス、およびエクイティファイナンス、資金調達。
– プロセス管理を使用した会社の組織化と再構築
IMD (国際経営研究所) でいくつかの経営管理およびストラクチャードファイナンスのコースを受講しました。