新規株式公開 – IPO

Initial Public Offering IPO

Initial Public Offering issuance (Traditional IPOs). Using our unique, innovative and proprietary approach, based on decades of experience and a genuine drive to do better for our issuers, we help private companies obtain public funding. We lead companies at every step of the way, from pre-IPO funding to IPO preparation, placement and beyond. We have developed and patented certain business methods that allows us to offer unique services. These methods such as, but not limited to; the Cascading IPO or SPAC for Venture Capitalization, the IPO and SPAC Wagon Business Method, the Master SPAC for Venture Capitalization, the Mini SPAC method, the Intellectual Property Securitization System and Methods or the … 続きを読む


Marie Majkowiez


マリーはコミュニケーションのスペシャリスト、コンテンツ ライター、プロジェクト マネージャーであり、金融の経験があります。彼女はスイスのローザンヌにある CEFCO でマーケティングとコミュニケーションについて学び、2008 年に民間金融会社で働き始めました。